Archetyp otce (a jeho vztah k otcovskému komplexu)

„Země byla pustá a prázdná a nad propastnou tůní byla tma. Ale nad vodami vznášel se duch Boží. I řekl Bůh: ‚Budiž světlo!‘ A bylo světlo.4  Viděl, že světlo je dobré, a oddělil světlo od tmy. Světlo nazval Bůh dnem a tmu nazval nocí. Byl večer a bylo jitro, den první.“ (Genesis 1:2-8)

Nejzákladnější funkcí otcovského archetypu je rozlišování protikladů a následné oddělování (diskriminace) nevědomých obsahů. Další funkcí archetypu otce je spojování těchto obsahů do smysluplných struktur (integrace). Archetyp otce uvádí chaos v kosmos.[1]  (more…)

Odvrácená tvář amerického hrdiny

Odvrácená tvář amerického hrdiny[1]

“…Sweetheart sweetheart are you fast asleep? Good.
'Cause that's the only time that I can really speak to you.
And there is something that I've locked away
A memory that is too painful
To withstand the light of day...
[2]” [The Hero’s Return, Pink Floyd]


Ve své slavné knize Hrdina tisíce tváří Joseph Campbell popisuje hrdinu (řecky ἥρως) jako polobožskou bytost (často potomek boha a člověka), která opouští (2) svůj každodenní život, aby (2) podstoupila cestu do zvláštního světa, kde je (3) vystavena různým nebezpečným nástrahám, zkouškám a bitvám; musí překonat strach, aby mohla získat (4) dar nesmírného významu. (more…)

Transcendent Function

“Since life cannot tolerate a standstill, a damming up of vital energy results, and this would lead to an insupportable condition did not the tension of opposites produce a new, uniting function that transcends them. This function arises quite naturally from the regression of libido caused by the blockage

(Jung, C., G., CW 6, par. 824)

“Dreaming is a form of communicating or communing with oneself (…) Dreaming is a special case of reflexive mental activity, in which the self becomes twofold, one part observing, arguing with, reflecting upon, resisting the implications of, assenting to, ideas, thoughts, situations imaginatively presented to it by the other (Rycroft, C., The Innocence of Dreams, 1979, p. 45, shortened, emphasis mine)


In this paper I’d like to show two dreams of my client where – I believe - a transcendent function emerged. Symbols brought by dreams opened door to forgotten emotions and helped him realize quality of attitude which was shown beneficial when dealing with current difficulties. First, briefly, Jung’s take on the transcendent function. (more…)

Father Archetype

“The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven”.[1] (more…)

Addendum: Psychological parallels of Odysseus’ Mythical Journey

  1. Addendum: Psychological parallels of Odysseus’ Mythical Journey


Jung (1916/1957) in his essay The Transcendent Function described a process of psychological change, i.e. self-regulation of the Psyche. His findings have great psychological implications with respect to clinical work. Follows I present his model and add comments pertaining to the archetypal process described in the myth of Odysseus and Calypso. (more…)

World according to Bart or “The Simpsons” phenomenon

Aren't we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? You know the birth of Santa!

[Bart Simpson]


When in 1989 Matt Groening introduced on America’s televisions the cartoon The Simpsons, he probably had not dreamt that it would become the longest played cartoon show and longest played sitcom of all times in the  history of the United States. The Simpsons, shortly after its rocket take-off, pushed aside the “perfect” family of Bill Cosby and assumed the position amongst the 30 most popular TV shows ever. Since its debut, the show has broadcasted over 400 episodes and reached its nineteenth season. The season’s 18 finale was the show’s 400th episode, and year 2007 marked the 20th anniversary of The Simpsons franchise. (more…)

Psychologie micove hry

“Ve hre, se pozemska realita zahy stava veci pominutelne chvylky hozene za hlavu a pak pohrbene v minulosti; mysl je pripravena prijmout nepredstavitelne a neuveritelne, vstoupit do sveta, kde plati jine zakony, aby byla zbavena vseh zavazi, ktere ji tihnou k zemi, a stala se svobodnou, kralovsky nespoutanou a bozskou” [Hugo Rahner][1]


Nespoutane vasne,  jevy davove psychozy, pocity opojeni a zlosti proziva clovek v zasade u techto spolecenskych fenomenu: politika a valka, sportovni podujeti. V mensi mire jsou to nabozenska shromazdeni a hudebni koncerty, ktere rovnez evokuji bujare emoce, jejichz shoubny potencial zavisi od toho, jestli dochazi k polarizaci a stepeni afektu, tedy jestli se dav rozdeli na “my” a “oni”, hrdinu a nepritele.

Liber Novus PD Interview

Dear Mr. Shamdasani,

My name is Vlado Solc; I work for Psychology Today (Psychologie Dnes) – Portal Publishing Co., Prague, Czech Republic. I would like you to answer my question for the magazine on the occasion of introducing the translation of The Red Book to Czech and Slovak audiences.

1)      The publication of the Liber Novus, or The Red Book has been long awaited by Jungians, clinical psychologists, historians, but also by the general public. Was it difficult to persuade Jung’s heirs to agree to the publishing of this book AND what moved them to finally agree? (more…)

Tea Party a Fundamentalismus

Volby do senatu a snemovny reprezentantu ve Spojenych statech byli letos necim vyjimecne.[1] To, ze vladnouci strana utrpi v mid-term elections (preklad) porazku, je temer pravidlem, to ale, ze volbam bude dominovat nove vznikla strana je prulom historicky nevidany. Za touto vychrici stoji tzv. Tea Pary, neboli Hnuti cajovych dychanku. Jazycek vah se po volbach posunul v senatu doprava o 6 novych zastupitelu, coz zajistilo tesnou vyhru demokratu, ve snemovne ale ziskali Republikani 60 novych kresel a zijskali tak nadpolovicni vetsinu (187/239). Z techto 60 kresel pripadlo Tea Party 40, muzeme tedy mluvit o poradne smrsti. Ze vsech kandidatu podporovanych Tea Party, se jich do obou snemoven a guvernerskych pozic dostalo presne 32 %.  Nikdy predtim nemelo radikalni hnuti takoveto politicky vlivne zastoupeni.

Co vlastne Tea Pary je? Vznik Tea Party se datuje do obdobi prezidentskych voleb v roce 2008, kdy se konali shromazdeni na podporu prezidentskeho kandidata Rona Paula. Tyto predvolebni mytingy se zahy po vytezstvi Obamy transformovali na hnuti odporu vuci ekonomickym reformam, jako byli Bushuv a Obamuv “bail out” bank a odporu vuci reformam zdravotnickeho systemu a opatrenim spomaleni globalniho oteplovani. Uz na pocatku sveho vzniku hnuti sokovalo svou angazovanosti a hlavne hevem, ktery jim vydrzel az do voleb. Nejdrive male lokalni shromazdeni zacali nabirat na sile; s prilivem penez a podporou zajmovych skupin postupne extrapolovali puvodni myslenku a rozsirili se z Texasu do celych USA. Vysoka nezamestnanost zpusobena padem ekonomiky byla hlavnim katalyzatorem Tea Party hnuti.