
Jung, C. G. (1953, p.133). Psychological Reflections: A New Anthology of His Writings, 1905-1961

"It is not I who create myself, rather I happen to myself."

Jung, C. G. (1968, p.280). Psychology and Alchemy (2nd ed., Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Vol. 12).

"For the alchemist, the one primarily in need of redemption is not man, but the deity who is lost and sleeping in matter."

C. G. Jung, Letters, Volume 1, Page 535.

A political situation is the manifestation of a parallel psychological problem in millions of individuals. This problem is largely unconscious; which makes it a particularly dangerous one!

Jung, C. G. (1976). "The Symbolic Life," in The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 18

"I am convinced that 99 per cent of politics are mere symptoms and anything but a cure for social evils."

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